USA Table Runner – A Mini Quilting Course!
It’s nearly the Fourth of July, Independence Day! I’ve posted this cute, quick USA table runner before and I thought I should repost it again now.
Grab some red, white and blues and make this project this weekend to enjoy for the Fourth. This project makes for great practice… Practice your quarter inch seams. Practice your Machine Applique on the letters. Practice your Machine Quilting when you layer with backing and batting. But most of all, just practice having Fun with your fabrics!
Here is the PDF…
I’m still hoping you have some lazy afternoons (or mornings or evenings!) to stitch. Remember there is always lots happening on this site. If you need any of our Quilter’s Alphabet patterns, check the archives. And browse around the site for lots of other free patterns. We are working on our 2012 series of Doll Quilts and lots more swap patterns! And there are even more Patterns on my Etsy site.
And coming soon will be our 2012 Fall Quilts which will be the glorious and historic Burgoyne Surrounded (Supply List now available) and the beautiful Iris Quilt. And just posted for this summer: The 2012 Sunset and Vine Mystery Quilt Supply List. Clues begin July 3 (That’s this TUESDAY!) . Lots of great things are happening at
Thanks for stopping by.