The States Of Modern: Rhode Island
Rhode Island may be our union’s smallest state, but it’s big on beauty, coastline, friendly people and history.
Known as the Ocean State, Rhode Island has lots of coastline and fabulous ocean views. I visited the state right after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy and was still utterly charmed by its loveliness. From its bustling capitol, Providence, to its tiny historic towns to beautiful Newport with its over-the-top mansions, Rhode Island is a gorgeous state.
The State Flag is a gold anchor surrounded by stars… I used a similar anchor for our block.
Rhode Island: The Ocean State Facts:
Capital: Providence
Admission to Statehood: May 29, 1790. (13th State)
State Bird: Rhode Island Red
Flag: Placed on a white field is a circle of thirteen gold stars representing the first thirteen states. The stars surround a gold ship’s anchor. The state’s motto “Hope” is on a blue ribbon below the anchor.
State Flower: Violet
Largest Cities: Providence, Warwick, Cranston
Here is the Pattern PDF:
The States Of Modern Rhode Island
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OK… You can say it. I often hear it… Why do I sell patterns for just 99 cents? These 99 cent patterns are complete and concise and… Adorable! My latest is called SuperNovae…
At 81″ Square, SuperNovae finishes LARGE! And with just four large blocks, SuperNovae finishes QUICKLY! And with big pieces, SuperNovae finishes EASILY!
Use up your scraps! Or dig into that lovely Layer Cake set of 10″ squares! Or that stack of Fat Quarters you’ve been anxious to use… And make this beautiful quilt.
SuperNovae Pattern On Craftsy
And why is it just 99 cents? So YOU will make this fun and easy quilt!
But WAIT! There’s More!
More 99 Cent Patterns, that is…
I’ve always loved this Petal Pusher design, but it got lost in the pattern archives… So I dug it up and planted these flowers on Craftsy! Just 99 cents and you can start on this simple but adorable quilt!
See how cute this is! And simple… And there’s a little secret that speeds up the whole process of finishing this project up! Take a look at my Craftsy Shop!
99 Cent Petal Pusher Flower Quilt
Here again is the Rhode Island Block Pattern PDF…
The States Of Modern Rhode Island