The States Of Modern: New York
I was born in New York. Tho my parents never lived there (they lived in Jersey) I can technically claim New York City as my hometown.
When I was finally able to properly visit, well after my 50th birthday, I truly felt a connection to the bustling city. I’m hoping soon to return and explore more of this fascinating state.
Our block is a loose interpretation of the New York skyline, in the modernist way!
The State Of Modern New York
New York State Facts:
Capital: Albany
Admission to statehood: July 26, 1788
State bird: Eastern bluebird
Flag: Emblazoned on a dark blue field is the state coat of arms. The goddess Liberty holds a pole with a Liberty Cap on top. Liberty stands for freedom. At her feet is a discarded crown, representing freedom from England at the end of the revolutionary war. On the right is the goddess, Justice. She wears a blindfold and carries the scales of justice. Meaning that everyone receives equal treatment under the law. The state motto “Excelsior” on a white ribbon expresses the idea of reaching upward to higher goals. On the shield a sun rises over the Hudson highlands and ships sail the Hudson river. Above the shield is an eagle resting on a globe representing the Western Hemisphere.
State flower: Rose
Three largest cities: New York City, Buffalo and Rochester
Here is the New York State Pattern PDF…
The States Of Modern: New York
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To celebrate our Summer 2015 Solitaire Mystery , we put some of our previous Mystery Patterns on sale for JUST $2.99. Of course they are no longer mysteries… just patterns for beautiful quilts! Check them out on Craftsy and remember… The Solitaire Mystery is way simpler than these!
Puddle Jumping is another popular former Mystery quilt…
Puddle Jumping is a fun redux of that classic Goose in the Pond block. Half Squares, Bars and 9-Patches are the simple units that make up this wonderful old block. WOW!
We have had mysteries every summer for years now here at Some of those quilt patterns are now available (NOT as mysteries) for just $2.99 for a limited time on my Craftsy site…
Every Which Way is probably the simplest of all my mysteries, but it sure turns out beautifully! I have no doubt made this pattern more than any other… it turns out differently every time! The pattern includes instruction for both the Throw size and a Bed Size (Shown) and can be easily adapted for a baby quilt as well as other sizes! Check out Every Which Way while it is on sale!
Out Of This World features a complicated looking block made up of EASY PEASY parts. I think it looks like houses on tiny planets and that is how the pattern got it name!
Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too!
Thanks for dropping by…
Here is the New York State Pattern PDF…