The States Of Modern: Missouri
Missouri: Home of Mark Twain, Harry Truman and… The ice cream cone!
As the story goes, it was at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904 that the ice cream cone was invented. An ice cream vendor ran out of cups and, thinking quickly, asked a waffle vendor to help by rolling up waffles to hold ice cream. Tada! Ice Cream cones!
Once again I have based my block design on a minimalist interpretation the state flag of Missouri. I’ve replaced the seal with a single large star. Traditional Modern!
Missouri Facts:
Admission to Statehood: August 10, 1821 (24th State)
Capital: Jefferson City
Bird: Bluebird
Flag Centered on red, white and blue fields is the Missouri state seal. It is encircled by a blue band with twenty-four stars representing the number of states in 1821. The stars in the inner circle have the same meaning. Two huge grizzly bears support the circular shield in the center which has three parts:
The motto “United We Stand, Divided we Fall”
The right section representing the United States. The left section containing a moon representing a new state and a grizzly bear standing for courage.
The flag was designed by Mrs. Marie Elizabeth Oliver of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Flag adopted 1913.
Flower: Hawthorn
Largest Cities: St.Louis, Kansas City and Springfield
Here is the Missouri States Of Modern Block Of The Week Pattern PDF:
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OK… You can say it. I often hear it… Why do I sell patterns for just 99 cents? These 99 cent patterns are complete and concise and… Adorable! My latest is called SuperNovae…
At 81″ Square, SuperNovae finishes LARGE! And with just four large blocks, SuperNovae finishes QUICKLY! And with big pieces, SuperNovae finishes EASILY!
Use up your scraps! Or dig into that lovely Layer Cake set of 10″ squares! Or that stack of Fat Quarters you’ve been anxious to use… And make this beautiful quilt.
SuperNovae Pattern On Craftsy
And why is it just 99 cents? So YOU will make this fun and easy quilt!
But WAIT! There’s More!
More 99 Cent Patterns, that is…
I’ve always loved this Petal Pusher design, but it got lost in the pattern archives… So I dug it up and planted these flowers on Craftsy! Just 99 cents and you can start on this simple but adorable quilt!
See how cute this is! And simple… And there’s a little secret that speeds up the whole process of finishing this project up! Take a look at my Craftsy Shop!
99 Cent Petal Pusher Flower Quilt
Here again is the Missouri Block Pattern PDF…