The States Of Modern Block Of The Week 8: Delaware
Delaware, one of the original 13 colonies and our first state! It is 1,954 square miles and is our second smallest state after Rhode Island. Delaware is a low lying state with its highest point, Ebright Azimuth, just 450 feet above sea level!
Our block this week is based upon the Delaware flag. I have simplified the coat of arms to three stripes: Colonial Blue representing the uniform of General George Washington, White representing the sails of sea commerce and green representing the importance of agriculture to Delaware.
Here are some Delaware facts:
Capital: Dover
Admission to statehood: December 7, 1787 (The day Delaware was the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution)
Flag: The Delaware state flag has a background of colonial blue surrounding a diamond of buff color in which the coat of arms of the state is placed.
Bird: Blue Hen Chicken
Flower: Peach Blossom
Largest cities: Wilmington, Dover, Newark.
And here is the Pattern PDF for our States Of Modern Delaware block:
The States Of Modern Delaware 8
Thanks for stopping by!
And be sure to check out my Craftsy store for more inspiration…
Buy It Today, Make It Today!
Kaffe Squall Layer Cake/Scrap/Fat Quarter Quilt Pattern… See how each block design is just one fabric fused and cut into the shape with eight petals or arms or spokes… each block has just one piece of fabric appliqued onto the background. This method really shows off your beautiful fabrics. It is way fun!
But I don’t think I should have all the fun! So the Kaffe Squall pattern is just 99 cents on Craftsy and ready for immediate download!:
Kaffe Squall Pattern PDF on Craftsy
These are links to my 99 cent patterns, but everything is on sale NOW!… And there are even more patterns in my LynBrownCraftsy Shop. If you’ve missed any of these patterns, now is the time during this sale!
Recently, I put together 12 ornament patterns into one packet and it’s available for immediate download now on Craftsy! And best of all, it is Just 99 Cents for a limited time!
2 different Ornaments to make quickly… Selvedge Christmas Tree, Rotund Santa, Burlap Swan, Baby Block, and many more! Easy and fun to make with the scraps in your sewing room!
Download 12 Quick And Easy Christmas Ornaments To Make Today now from Craftsy! Just 99 cents!
MORE 99 CENT Patterns on Craftsy….
Here is the Phat Fats Quick Fat Quarter Quilt (Just 99 Cents at my Craftsy Store)…
Crazy Patch Purse By Machine 99 Cents!
As you can see, this is Crazy Patch for the machine age. All stitching is by machine. It is wondrous to use all those decorative stitches and different threads. Sometimes I put two threads through the needle (one on a bobbin) just to see what would happen. The results are fantastic! The Crazy Patch is done flat then the purse is made from the created piece in a very simple manner. Dig out your fancy fabrics… or just your favorite cottons! And have a great time making this purse!
Oh and I have lots more 99 Cent Patterns at my Craftsy store including…
The Quilt Carrier Tote Quick AND Easy!
And here is the Pattern PDF for our States Of Modern Delaware block:
The States Of Modern Delaware 8