Thank You Night Owls Guild!
This has been Quite a Week for this “Retired” lady! Two speaking engagement spaced about 60 hours apart! First, the Valley Quilters in Hemet and Thursday night, Night Owls Quilt Guild in Rancho Cucamonga!
Night Owls is a great guild! Large and very active in community and in quilting efforts, the Night Owls Guild meeting is an absolute hub of quilting fun and laughter.
Their upcoming quilt show is Saturday, September 19th from 11 am to 5 pm in the Rancho Cucamonga Hall in the Rancho Community Center. Mark Your Calendar!
Many thanks to this wonderful guild for their marvelous reaction to my lecture, quilts and patterns! Wow!
Next month, I speak at the Inland Empire Guild in Corona (Monday, July 27).
***** Shop Craftsy! *****
My latest 99 Cent Craftsy Pattern is called SuperNovae…
At 81″ Square, SuperNovae finishes LARGE! And with just four large blocks, SuperNovae finishes QUICKLY! And with big pieces, SuperNovae finishes EASILY!
Use up your scraps! Or dig into that lovely Layer Cake set of 10″ squares! Or that stack of Fat Quarters you’ve been anxious to use… And make this beautiful quilt.
SuperNovae Pattern On Craftsy
And why is it just 99 cents? So YOU will make this fun and easy quilt!
But WAIT! There’s More!
More 99 Cent Patterns, that is…
I’ve always loved this Petal Pusher design, but it got lost in the pattern archives… So I dug it up and planted these flowers on Craftsy! Just 99 cents and you can start on this simple but adorable quilt!
See how cute this is! And simple… And there’s a little secret that speeds up the whole process of finishing this project up! Take a look at my Craftsy Shop!
99 Cent Petal Pusher Flower Quilt
Thanks again to Night Owls Quilt Guild!