Temecula Quilt Co.
I had a marvelous visit to Temecula Quilt Co. a week or so ago. What a wonderful store, especially if you are into reproduction fabrics or doll quilts or wool or all three and more!
The store is located in east Temecula along Route 79 at Butterfield. Check their website for more details.
The tone is set when you first walk in with this cute display.
The walls are covered with doll quilts on display.
Quilts, Kits, Patterns, Books…
And Fabric! Wools…
And more!
Had to throw in tihs picture of a Dear Jane (R) quilt. Cute Border!
Inspiration was everywhere! Well worth the visit to Temecula.
And don’t forget to check out all the exciting projects available here at LynBrown.com…
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