Quilting Class Tree Swap Setting Instructions
WOOHOO! It’s finally here! This month, we are swapping Tree Blocks in the Quilting Classes of the NOCCCD-SCE-LEAP-OAP! And they are gonna make up into BEAUTIFUL Quilts!
Here is my first set of (12) Tree Blocks from the Monday Cypress Class. Aren’t they wonderful! Each class is swapping 12 blocks, and we have five classes, so I should end up with nearly 60 blocks! I am expecting that each class will end up with a completely different looking set of blocks. It is gonna be such fun!
But when we do a swap, be it fabric or actual blocks, we gotta know how to set them. So I’ve come up with a pretty simple and straight forward setting for these blocks I think will allow each tree its own space.
This is a fun set that frames each block with borders and cornerstones so when the blocks are set together, it looks like pieced sashing! All instructions are in the Tree Swap Set Pattern PDF... And of course, this setting can be applied to any 12 piece set of 12 1/2″ blocks. And, really, with a minimum of thought, to any set of blocks!
And a special reminder for my Muckenthaler students:
Don’t forget that class this week (Tuesday, November 12) will be held at the Anaheim Campus of NOCCCD, Room 107. The address is 1830 W Romneya. The building used to house Martin Luther Hospital and is located just west of Euclid on the south side of Romneya. Class time 10 am to Noon as normal.
Parking is $2.
Wondering about these FREE classes in the OC?
=========== FREE OC CLASSES =========
Wondering about these free NOCCCD-SCE-LEAP-OAP Quilting classes? Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List
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Again, here is the Tree Swap Set Pattern PDF...