Quilters Alphabet Setting Instructions
We hope you have enjoyed making these blocks. It certainly has been a blast designing them. I love the Ingenious Iron, that Jumping Jelly Roll and the UFO blocks. Which are your favorites?
I know, I know… These mock ups don’t have the representational blocks. I thought I’d let you be surprised at how wonderful the quilt will look with all it’s different motifs when it is all put together. So send me pics please when you are done!
Setting 52 blocks in any quilt presents a challenge. This setting has 4 spacer blocks that kind of disappear into the setting. Of course you could use these as blocks, adding motifs or even the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Use the extra block as your label – right on the front of the quilt!
The Setting PDF is at the end of this post.
As always, you are invited to look around this site for LOTS of other dynamite gift ideas ( Get an early start for this year’s Holidays and other free patterns.
The Quilters Alphabet Quilt Archive (In case you have missed any of the blocks)
New Student Supply List And we’ll have even more for 2013. Stop back here at LynBrown.com next Saturday as we begin our new pattern… Repeat Revolution! And I just posted our 2012 Doll Quilt eBook with all 14 Doll Quilt Patterns presented here in the last 12 months. Download them all in one operation! And, check My Etsy site For Even More Patterns Here is the Quilters Alphabet Setting PDF… Quilters Alphabet Setting Thanks for dropping by! Make A Great Quilt!