Pet Screen Pouches
Have you ever stitched with Pet Screen? Intended for use on windows, it is strong, durable (enough to withstand paws and claws!) and 100% polyester. Pet Screen is available in colors at your local quilt shop and in black at Home Depot. It is also available in black through Amazon (Just click on the link above and search Phifer Pet Screen 48 in. x 84 in. You can stitch on it with your sewing machine and it makes up into some very cute projects!
I’ve taught Pet Screen Projects before (see links below), but now I have a new one. The Pet Screen Sack is quick and easy to stitch, comes in two sizes and is totally cute! Above is the Small Sack in Green Screen. It’s a good purse size. The large size would be a tote bag or Grocery Sack. Try using a multi color accent fabric for the pocket to really jazz it up. The 2″ Strapping is available at JoAnn and other fabric stores. That single strap makes it easier and, well, just FUN!
Here is the PDF Link:
Screen Sack
And here is a link to a Pet Screen Tote Project from a few years back…
Pet Screen Tote
I also use The Cathy’s Zippered Bag pattern to make great Pet Screen Project. I am always amazed at how quickly this pattern comes together. On the CZ Bag pictured, I added some accent fabric pockets just for fun! This is really cute when you use a stylish zipper.
Cathy’s Zippered Bag
=========== FREE OC CLASSES =========
Wondering about these free NOCCCD-SCE-LEAP-OAP Quilting classes? Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List
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Here again are the Project PDF Links….
Screen Sack
Pet Screen Tote
Cathy’s Zippered Bag