Ornament Of The Month Club – May – 3″ Ornaments
Wow! May is going by so quickly! 2014 is racing by! But I am very happy that we are having Christmas all year long with this Ornament of the Month Club and our Do You See Christmas Block of the Week.
These simple little ornaments look great on the tree or atop a gift or as a key fob. Make a whole crew of them as small gifts for all those who touch your life on a regular basis. And there are lots of other quilt blocks to try… Bullseye, Half Square, Broken Dishes, etc.
Here is the May Ornament Pattern PDF…
Ornament of the Month May 3 Inch Ornies
And here are the archives of the Ornament of the Month Club and our Do You See Christmas Block of the Week.
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Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
My Staycation Jelly Roll Quilt is Available on Craftsy.
A Staycation is when you vacation at home. Any time in my sewing room is a Staycation for me! So make this lovely quilt on your next Staycation! Using 2 1/2″ strips from a Bali Pop or a Jelly Roll or a swap or your own stash, this quilt goes together pretty easy with just a few tricks.
Do you see the circles or wreaths? Wouldn’t this be grand in Christmas prints? Or Autumn? Wow! I think I need to make another Staycation quilt!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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Here is the May Ornament Pattern PDF…Ornament of the Month May 3 Inch Ornies