Orange County Quilters Guild May Meeting Featuring Joe Cunningham
Sorry, made the Slideshow but forgot to post…
We had a great time with the ultra creative Joe Cunningham at Orange County Quilters Guild this month. Joe shared with us all his unique take on quilting. I think each of us gained something from his perspective.
Joe is well schooled in traditional “by hand” methods but is now doing improvisational quilts and long arming. My mind is still buzzing with new ideas inspired by his lecture and workshop.
Here is Joe’s sample quilt for his workshop…
And the progress I’ve made on my quilt from his workshop…
Still needs work!
Anyway, enjoy these SlideShows from Joe Cunningham’s visit to OCQG this month:
And the Guild Meeting in general along with some workshop pics:
What A Great Time!
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Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
Here is a great QUICK Fat Quarter Quilt. Instant Karma is simple and graphically appealing! Grab up some Fat Quarters (in your favorite colors or the colors of HIS favorite team!) and let’s get started! Three sizes are included in pattern so make any size you like…
Large pieces will make your Instant Karma quilt an Instant Success! Did I mention it is QUICK?