More From The OCQG Quilt Show
Were you there? Did you see all the wonderful work by these fabulous Quilters?
If you missed it or just want to relive it a bit, I put together a OCQG QUILT SHOW SlideShow for you.
I wasn’t able to photograph every quilt. And I know I missed some of my favs but it’s fun to see what I was able to capture.
What A Great Show! Great Job OCQG Volunteers!
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Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
My T- Shirt Quilt Pattern has lots of info on turning your old T-Shirts into a cozy quilt… A great way to keep those memories alive!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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=========== FREE OC CLASSES =========
Wondering about these free NOCCCD-SCE-LEAP-OAP Quilting classes? Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and Locations===================
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