Mid Century Modern Sampler Quilt Block Three – Cypress Bricks
Now you know I have gone off the deep end. What do Cypress Bricks have to do with the Mid-Century Modern Movement?
Well… Plenty!
First, masonry, be it brick work or stone work, are very Mid-Century. Think of that stone facade Cary Grant scales on the fabulous Mid-Century house near the end of North By Northwest.
Second, think of all the post war homes built, most with brick or stone fireplaces. Very indicative of Mid-Century Modern. Especially here in Southern California! And Cypress is one of those communities!
So I present the Cypress Bricks block… A close up of some cool MCM brick work. The block is pretty easy… Well, except for those 1/4″ mortar pieces but the instructions include a great hint to make that easy as pie… well, maybe, upside-down cake!
So download the pattern PDF and get busy stitching up some bricks!
Here is the MCM Cypress Hearth Pattern PDF:
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Here again is the MCM Cypress Hearth Pattern PDF:
MCM Sampler 3 Cypress Bricks