Mid Century Modern Sampler Quilt Block 6 Anaheim Rectangles
For those of you who have never visited the fair city of Anaheim, California, I apologize. This block is inspired by the large sign that once greeted visitors to the famous amusement park in Anaheim. The parks name was spelled out one letter to each rectangle. The sign is long gone but residents and visitors remember its presence.
So I chose to represent the sign in this block. The park opened in the mid fifties and that is smack dab in the MCM era. With millions of visitors, the sign is surely an icon of 50’s design. And I love those pennants!
Here is my version of the block:
Not yet stitched down, but all fused in place! Here is the complete pattern for fusing the block…
MCM Sampler Block 6 Anaheim Sign Pattern PDF
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2014 OCQG Quilt Show ~ OC Dreamin’
FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 25 – 26, 2014 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM with a Special Preview Evening – Thursday, April 24, 2014 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
At Zion Lutheran Church – 222 N East St, Anaheim, CA.
View Wonderful Quilts
Fabulous Vendors
Quilters’ Garage Sale
Bountiful Opportunity Baskets
Enjoy the Day with Friends!
Free, Up-close Parking
Featured Artist: Lyn Brown (That’s me!) Come see my favorite quilts!!!!
Come on and join us!
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We’ve been talking about T-Shirt quilts a bit this week in class
My T- Shirt Quilt Pattern has lots of info on turning your old T-Shirts into a cozy quilt… A great way to keep those memories alive!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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=========== FREE OC CLASSES =========
Wondering about these free NOCCCD-SCE-LEAP-OAP Quilting classes? Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and Locations===================
Thanks for stopping by…
Again, here is the: MCM Sampler Block 6 Anaheim Sign Pattern PDF