Mid Century Modern Quilt Sampler Block 11: Atomic Dinnerwear
Here is a variation on a very popular mid century design. You’ve seen it on plates, saucers, all kinds of dinnerwear.
My take on the design simplifies the stars into asterisks. But that moon is still there.
Simple Appliqué makes this an easy block. Have some fun fiddling with your own design!
Here is the Atomic Dinnerwear PDF:
MCM Sampler Atomic Dinnerwear 11
Stop By TODAY!
2014 OCQG Quilt Show ~ OC Dreamin’
FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 25 – 26, 2014 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM with a Special Preview Evening – Thursday, April 24, 2014 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
At Zion Lutheran Church – 222 N East St, Anaheim, CA.
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Quilters’ Garage Sale
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Enjoy the Day with Friends!
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Featured Artist: Lyn Brown (That’s me!) Come see my favorite quilts!!!!
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Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
Here is a great QUICK Fat Quarter Quilt. Instant Karma is simple and graphically appealing! Grab up some Fat Quarters (in your favorite colors or the colors of HIS favorite team!) and let’s get started! Three sizes are included in pattern so make any size you like…
Large pieces will make your Instant Karma quilt an Instant Success! Did I mention it is QUICK?
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
Thanks For Stopping By.
Here is the MCM Sampler Block 11 Atomic Dinnerwear PDF:
MCM Sampler Atomic Dinnerwear 11