Hoffman California Fabrics Tour
We had a wonderful tour of the Hoffman Fabrics Headquarters last Thursday. We saw lots of Fabric (sigh)… So beautiful!
If you ever have the opportunity to take the Hoffman tour, DO IT! I tagged along with a group from Buena Park.
Michelle really gave us the royal treatment.
We saw samples of current and future fabrics.
Some samples of how the fabrics look made up into quilts.
And we even got to see the new Bali Pops from their legendary Hoffman hand-dyeds… Coming some to a quilt shop near you!
We saw their distribution facility:
A view into their headquarters…
A great time was had by all. The group of ladies from Buena Park were all gracious and curious about Hoffman. And Michelle was very accomodating to the large group. We learned and were amazed by all the wonderful fabrics. We were so inspired!
You know, Hoffman has their annual challenge coming up. The fabric is called Peacock Gold and it is fabulous:
I challenge you to enter the Hoffman Challenge! It is quite inspirational!
Check it out: Hoffman Challenge
The entry date is coming up in July so you better get working!
Did you know…They sell first quality Hoffman fabrics at M & L in Anaheim. (Could someone let me know if M&L has the Challenge fabric pictured above? Thanks!)
They are also available on the web through Amazon and Batiks Plus.
Our Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive
2013 Fabric Swap Schedule for our Orange County, CA Classes
2013 Swap Archive including Gray Study and Amish Weave and SLOw Turning
The Archive of our free 2013 Block of the Week/Month Fanciful-Floral-Foursquare Patterns
Wondering about these free classes? Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List Don’t forget to check out Camp Watch-A-Patcher! Coming this July! The most fun you’ll ever have with your Sewing Machine!
Do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too!
Make A Great Quilt!