Hobby Lobby Is NOW Open In Anaheim Hills!
Wow! What a place! I was a Hobby Lobby novice and was completely amazed by this immense store!
Way beyond fabric, this place has everything. Home Dec, seasonal, art supplies, all kinds of craft stuff.
Did I mention… Hobby Lobby is HUGE. Set aside some time to enjoy. The fabric department is not large but there is plenty to see, enjoy and buy.
Lots of notions.
Cutting supplies.
And they have an app that puts a coupon right on your phone.
So come on over to the Festival Center in Anaheim Hills, CA (91 Fwy to Yorba Linda Blvd/Weir Canyon and go south to Santa Ana Canyon Road then right and the center will be on the left in a block. Look for Target. Hobby Lobby is kind of in the middle of the Festival Center. Have fun and…
There are many other great free downloads available here at LynBrown.com including:
Our 2013 Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive
2013 Swap Archive including Gray Study and Amish Weave and SLOw Turning AND THE STASH SAFE!
Wondering about these free classes? Classes start again September 9, 2013. Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List
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Please do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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