Fanciful Floral FourSquare September D Quadrant AND Wednesday Class Sharing
September 2013 is blowing away before our eyes… Just like the autumn leaves are blowing off the trees…
And scattering onto our quilt blocks. This week, we present the quadrant of the September block of the Fanciful Floral FourSquare Series Block of the Week/Month Quilt!
Here is what the whole block should look like. Of course there is no magic to this layout… The leaves are supposed to be random and scattered so any arrangement of any leaves will do.
Next week we start our Scary Halloween Flowers Block so check back here at
Here is the Pattern PDF…
Fanciful Floral FourSquare Sept D
But wait there is more…
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Here is the Wednesday 9.18.13 SnowNTell Sharing Slide Show… or cut and paste the link… Either way… Take a look! PS… Let me know if you like these slide shows or have trouble viewing them. I am hoping to share the wonderful quilts made by our talented class members with you.=====================
There are many other great free downloads available here at including: Our the Supply List for this project… Lava Lamps And Love Beads (50 X 67 or 44 X 55) Supply ListOur 2013 Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive
2013 Swap Archive including Gray Study and Amish Weave and SLOw Turning AND THE STASH SAFE!
Wondering about these free classes? Classes start again September 9, 2013. Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List
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Please do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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Again, here is the Fanciful Floral FourSquare September D Quadrant Pattern PDF:
Fanciful Floral FourSquare Sept D