Fanciful Floral FourSquare Quilt SunnyFlowers Quadrant D
August… Long, lazy (or hectic) days… Heat… Thunderstorms… More heat…
August is an intense month and this is an intense block!
If I am looking at the right calendar (2013?), next week we will be starting the September block of this Block of the Week/Month and it will still be August. We are finally working ahead!
Be sure to check back next week to see our September Falling Leaves block.
And if you just found us, here is the Fanciful Floral FourSquare Archive Link with all the past blocks.
Fanciful Floral FourSquare August D
************ AND ********************
Check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too. Did you know I have added a few new FREE patterns to my Craftsy Store? You gotta check it out! There are many other great free downloads available here at including:Our 2013 Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive
2013 Swap Archive including Gray Study and Amish Weave and SLOw Turning AND THE STASH SAFE!
Wondering about these free classes? Classes start again September 9, 2013. Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List
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Please do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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Here is the Fanciful Floral FourSquare August D Quadrant PDF:
Fanciful Floral FourSquare August D