Fanciful Floral FourSquare: November Cornucopia Part 2
November is a time of harvest, of abundance and of profusion. There is certainly a profusion of flowers in this Cornucopia!
Last week, I patterned the Cornucopia, and this week its all the flowers. The Cornucopia has a straight edge at its mouth. Fold your block once on the diagonal (from top right to bottom left) and finger press to create a guide. Then snug that straight edge of the Cornucopia against the diagonal letting that curled back end of the Cornucopia sort of point to the top left corner.
Then start adding your flowers. My layout is just a suggestion (I’m not sure I even quite followed it!) so add or subtract flowers as you like. Just make an artful arrangement and make it pretty! Have Fun!
Here is the PDF link…
Fanciful Floral FourSquare Cornucopia 2
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Once again, here is the Pattern PDF….
Fanciful Floral FourSquare Cornucopia 2