Fanciful Floral FourSquare Block 3 August SunnyFlowers B
Summer is in Full Swing! Long, Lazy Summer Days Abound! Just right for quilting up a storm!
**************** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT *********************************
Just FYI: I am speaking tonight at Quilters By The Sea Quilt Guild in Long Beach. They meet at:
First Baptist Church of Lakewood; 5336 E. Arbor Road; Long Beach, CA 90808
Doors open at 6:15 and the meeting starts a 7 pm. Come On Down!
OK… Back to the post… Here is the PDF of the B Quadrant of the August SunnyFlowers block of the Fanciful Floral FourSquare Quilt Pattern…
Fanciful Floral FourSquare August B 30
************ AND REMEMBER ********************
Check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too! There are many other great free downloads available here at including:Our 2013 Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive
2013 Fabric Swap Schedule for our Orange County, CA Classes
2013 Swap Archive including Gray Study and Amish Weave and SLOw Turning AND THE STASH SAFE!
Wondering about these free classes? Classes start again September 9, 2013. Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List ************** SHOP **************
Do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too!
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
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Fanciful Floral FourSquare August B 30