Do You See…? Christmas Block Of The Week 13 Poinsettia
The poinsettia is the traditional flower of Christmas with its wonderful red foliage! And today, there are so many variations that there is a plethora of poinsettia shades and patterns! What color will you make your Poinsettia block?
And this Poinsettia has a secret! Those ten red petals are really only TWO pieces! Think of two Starfish… and cut the top set of five petals and then imagine the underlying set of five as another starfish! This method makes placement easier and making the block a snap! Of course, we have to deal with those seven little gold dots too… I cut those individually but would recommend stitching them round and round in one continuous thread!
Here is the Poinsettia Block for our 2014 Do You See…? Christmas Block Of The Week…
Do You See 13 Poinsettia
And don’t forget to…
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2014 OCQG Quilt Show ~ OC Dreamin’
FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 25 – 26, 2014 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM with a Special Preview Evening – Thursday, April 24, 2014 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
At Zion Lutheran Church – 222 N East St, Anaheim, CA.
View Wonderful Quilts
Fabulous Vendors
Quilters’ Garage Sale
Bountiful Opportunity Baskets
Enjoy the Day with Friends!
Free, Up-close Parking
Featured Artist: Lyn Brown (That’s me!) Come see my favorite quilts!!!!
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Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
My Early Spring Pattern, above, is now available at my Craftsy Store. Made with just FIVE great fabrics (These are all from Hoffman California Fabrics) to set up a great dynamic. But I must confess, this quilt pattern started out as a swap of ten inch squares, so a layer cake or Cracker (also from Hoffman) would work great too! Make your own version of Early Spring and send me a pic! Thanks!
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Here is the Poinsettia Block for our 2014 Do You See…? Christmas Block Of The Week…
Do You See 13 Poinsettia