Black (Bow) Tie Affair Swap Quilt (Corrected 3.5.14)
For March, we are continuing in our series of Grandma Quilts. The month, we are inspired by Grandma’s Bow Tie Quilt.
The original Bow Tie Quilt in my family’s possession was made pre 1980, and probably pre-1975. Like our previous quilts from Grandma (Grandma’s Victory and Jewel Box), her Bow Tie is Hand Pieced and Hand Quilted.
And these three quilts share some print fabrics… All from the same Scrap Bag!
In class, we are swapping Black with White fabrics and Black with Color fabrics. The blocks in my pattern are larger… 8: finished as opposed to 5″*and we are making the blocks with snowballs as opposed to set in seams, making this a much easier quilt. This Black Tie Affair is gonna ROCK! Stay tuned to our slide show posts for some dramatic quilts made from this swap.
(*If you want to make 5″ Blocks, use 3″ Squares and 1 1/2″ snowballs. Make at least 80 Blocks setting them into 10 rows of 8 blocks. Your quilt will be about 52″ X 62″. The original quilt is 195 blocks set 13 X 15)
Here is the Black (Bow) Tie Affair Pattern PDF: (corrected in Supplies and Cutting 3/5/2014)
Black Tie Affair 3.5.14
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Please do shop my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
My Early Spring Pattern, above, is now available at my Craftsy Store. Made with just FIVE great fabrics (These are all from Hoffman California Fabrics) to set up a great dynamic. But I must confess, the quilt started out as a swap of ten inch squares, so a layer cake or Cracker (also from Hoffman) would work great and offer more variety too! Make your own version of Early Spring and send me a pic! Thanks!
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Here is the Black (Bow) Tie Affair Pattern PDF:
Black Tie Affair 3.5.14
Make A Great Quilt!