O’Brien Sunset Part One: Making The Blocks
This week, I offer the pattern for the blocks in this quilt. The blocks all have the same construction, but use two different colorations of fabric.
The blocks are simple to make… Cut strips, assemble strip sets, cut to length then add a white rectangle… Loads of fun! And next week, I’ll share a trick that makes assembly of this quilt fast, accurate and fun! (PS… The Graphic above is of TWO blocks offset.)
O’Brien Sunrise Quilt Pattern Is Now Available On Craftsy
Be sure to come back next week to discover the trick to assembling this quilt!
Now On Sale At My Craftsy Shop…
Every time I use this cute little purse, I get compliments. It’s big enough (6″ X 9″) to hold my Phone, Keys, ID, CC along with a comb and lipstick, but compact enough to not get in the way. It was so enjoyable to make and so much fun to use, I thought it would be fun to share the pattern. So here is my new 99 cent pattern on Craftsy!
As you can see, this is Crazy Patch for the machine age. All stitching is by machine. It is wondrous to use all those decorative stitches and different threads. Sometimes I put two threads through the needle (one on a bobbin) just to see what would happen. The results are fantastic! The Crazy Patch is done flat then the purse is made from the created piece in a very simple manner. Dig out your fancy fabrics… or just your favorite cottons! And have a great time making this purse!
Here is the link: (The pattern is just 99 cents and you can download it immediately!)
Crazy Patch Purse By Machine
Solar Power Lone Star Jelly Roll Pattern Now On Craftsy
Check out my Solar Power Lone Star Jelly Roll Pattern On Craftsy. The pattern makes up in three different sizes and it’s just $2.99 for a limited time! And it can be made easily from a Jelly Roll (Moda) Or Bali Pop (Hoffman Batiks!!!) or your own collection of 2 1/2″ strips. Wow! Suddenly, with Solar Power, the Lone Star is FUN to make!
Also On Sale At my Craftsy Shop…
Strippy Stars! Have you made this quilt yet? It’s great for all occasions… For Christmas, HALLOWEEN!, for the dorm, in team colors! And it is so simple… The Stars are done in fusible applique and there are no points or seams to match! Wonderful! Just $2.99!
More on sale at my Craftsy shop…
From the totally simple Rock-A-Bye to multiple settings for an adorable Log Cabin quilt, these are designs (14 in all) you can use over and over again. Tho’ the title says Doll Quilts, these are TableRunners, WallHangings and make Great Gifts! And for a limited time, they are all available on Craftsy for just $4.99!
Fun And Easy Doll Quilts on Craftsy
You get 14 patterns for $4.99 for a limited time.
***** In addition, all my other Pattern Packs are On Sale for $4.99 right now…
One of my most popular packs (9 Patterns), includes my Framed, Strippy Stars and Facets Patterns… And now just $4.99!
My first scrappy collection with some of my favorite designs… West Bay Cafe, Super Novae, and Confetti along with lots of other great quilts! Just $4.99!
Check out my Craftsy Shop for more great patterns (And Some Free Patterns Too!)
O’Brien Sunrise Quilt Pattern Is Now Available On Craftsy