Quilt Classes Show N Tell SlideShows
I hope you are enjoying these SlideShows. It is always wonderful to see the quilts shared in class and I am happy to be able to share that sharing with you!
These are Jewel Box blocks made from fabrics swapped in class. Aren’t they glorious?
No Monday Class due to Memorial Day Observence…
Here is the Tuesday and Wednesday classes Sharing…
And the Friday Class…
Also, here are Cathy’s Buffalo blocks:
Aren’t they Grand? I love these Buffalo Blocks!
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Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
Chains of Friendship started out as a patriotic quilt but is is beautiful in Red, Green and Gold! Check out the Chains of Friendship Pattern!
Chains Of Friendship is just one of the many quilt patterns available for purchase and immediate download on Craftsy!
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