Many Thanks To Orange County Quilters Guild
What a wonderful time! What a wonderful Guild! What a wonderful Quilt SHOW!
I was so honored to be asked to be Featured Artist at their 2014 Quilt Show by Orange County Quilters Guild. I had a BLAST! Great to have so many dear friends stop by to say hi! And fun to share a whole weekend of quilting with everyone. We saw Quilts, we talked Quilts and I even managed to bind a Quilt! (Just a little quilt!)
And the Quilts were beautiful… So inspiring like this Viewer’s Choice winner by Pat Adair.
Happy Kaffe Fassett fabrics, exquisite appliqué and magnificent quilting! Great job, Pat!
And there were plenty of other great quilts on display by this talented Guild! I’ll put together a Slideshow of photos soon.
So thanks once again to Kat Benne and everyone who worked so hard to make this OCQG show a success. The show was a lot of work and a lot of fun, too! I am so proud to be a member of this delightful guild.
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Chains of Friendship started out as a patriotic quilt but is is beautiful in Red, Green and Gold! Check out the Chains of Friendship Pattern!
Chains Of Friendship is just one of the many quilt patterns available for purchase and immediate download on Craftsy!
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