Friday ShowNTell… We Are Back, Baby!
Oh Yea! It feels so good to be back in class, teaching and seeing all the wonderful things that have been made while I was off playing at being a juror!
Oh Yea! From class projects to charity quilts and lots in between, the Friday Sharing was wonderful. Take a look:
Way Fun!
*********** SHOP **********
Please do check out my Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some new free patterns too!
Here is a great QUICK Fat Quarter Quilt. Instant Karma is simple and graphically appealing! Grab up some Fat Quarters (in your favorite colors or the colors of HIS favorite team!) and let’s get started! Three sizes are included in pattern so make any size you like…
Large pieces will make your Instant Karma quilt an Instant Success! Did I mention it is QUICK?
And my Etsy store has even more patterns!
========== FREE OC QUILTING CLASSES =========
Wondering about these free NOCCCD-SCE-LEAP-OAP Quilting classes? Here is the list of times and locations… But Remember, I am on Jury Duty (February 2014) with a few breaks… so check here before going to any class.Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and Locations
New Student Supply List =============================================
Thanks for checking in on us!