Nautical Tumble Quilt – Block 23 – Pelican
“A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican.”
Excerpt from poem by Ogden Nash
This Nash poem certainly applies to this bird! His beak is huge, just like the Brown Pelicans I see along the California coast. It is always a treat to see these massive birds on the wing! And this pose is so typical of a Pelocan at rest… But ever watchful!
And the appliqué is pretty easy. Large pieces… And those feet are even touching show they make up as one piece! The pattern PDF is available for free download below.
Missing some of these Nautical Blocks? Here Is Our 2013 Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive.
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Here is the Instructional Pattern PDF…Nautical Tumblers 23 Pelican