Nautical Tumble Block 17: BullsEyes-Hatches of Patches
Have you noticed? This quilt has become a study of pieced quilt blocks. And that study would not be complete without a Bullseye block. So here it is…
And there are nine Bullseye blocks so this block is also a 9-patch! Classic!
Alternating the position of the medium and dark values really makes this block interesting. And turning those middle blocks a quarter turn makes construction a snap… no matching seams! Don’t they look like little hatches on the deck of an old wooden ship? And here it is in Blues:
I am hoping to have the next Applique Block up for you tomorrow, Mother’s Day 2013… Hoping…
Check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too! ************************ There are many other great free downloads available here at including:Our Nautical Tumble Sampler Quilt Archive
2013 Fabric Swap Schedule for our Orange County, CA Classes
2013 Swap Archive including Gray Study and Amish Weave and SLOw Turning
The Archive of our free 2013 Block of the Week/Month Fanciful-Floral-Foursquare Patterns
Wondering about these free classes? Here is the list of times and locations… Free Quilting Classes (in Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List Don’t forget to check out Camp Watch-A-Patcher! Coming July 2013! The most fun you’ll ever have with your Sewing Machine!
Classes are still available. Enroll NOW!
Do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too!
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Here is the Pattern PDF for the Hatches of Patches Block…Nautical Tumblers 17 Hatches of Patches