2013 Quilting Swaps April-June Update!
Here is an update on our 2013 NOCCCD SCE OAP Class fabric swaps. We’ve added the Stash Swap for later in April…
Choose 4 ea. 1 yard (or equivalent) pieces from your stash
Cut: 12 ea 10″ squares from each yard piece (or equivalent!) to make 12 Swap Sets of 4 different 10″ Squares.
Project: Stash Safe
And for our previously scheduled swaps:
Get a yard and a half of each. We are cutting 10″ squares and they start with two each 1 1/2 yard pieces.
Then April (8-12) will be 2 Stripes: One narrow (1/4″ or under) and One wider.
Cutting 10” Squares, 20 of narrow, 20 of wider
Project: Boxes
For May (6-10), 2 “Pretty” Plaids with no other limitations other than pretty!
Cutting: 10” Squares, 20 ea of two pretty plaids
Project: Triple Four Patch
And for June (3-7): One Beige and One Tan… Looking for Neutrals!
Cutting: 10” Squares 20 ea Beige, 20 ea. Tan
Project: Remix
All 1 1/2 yards… Prewashed, Folded into 20 ea. Swap Sets, (this was incorrect on the PDF- corrected 1/15/13 at 7:45 PDT ) put in a zip type plastic bag with your name prominently written upon it. No Selvedges allowed on the squares.
Do check out my NEW Craftsy Pattern Store where you can purchase immediate downloads of my patterns… and some free patterns too!
As always, you are invited to look around this site for LOTS of other dynamite gift ideas (Get an early start on this year’s Holidays) and other free patterns.
Our 2012 Block of the Week…
The Quilters Alphabet Quilt Archive (In case you have missed any of these wonderful blocks)
Quilters Alphabet Setting Instructions (Just posted)
Rainbow Triangles Quilt – 8 Triangles at a Time! 2012 Rainbow Swaps Burgoyne Surrounded Supply List Iris 2012 Pattern Iris 2012 Supply List Free Quilting Classes (Orange County, CA) Times and LocationsNew Student Supply List And we’ll have even more for 2013. We are just beginning our new pattern… Repeat Revolution! And I just posted our 2012 Doll Quilt eBook with all 14 Doll Quilt Patterns presented here in the last 12 months. Download them all in one operation! And, check My Etsy site For Even More Patterns *********** Thanks for stopping by… Here is the 2013 Swap Quilt List 2013 Swaps List Jan-June (I Haven’t added this new swap yet… Technical difficulties!) And just the Pictures of the Swap Quilts… 2013 swaps pics page only Make A Great Quilt!