Quilt Hunting in Cambria, Part One
A Wonderful Bicentennial Quilt!
What a treat to see this fabulous bicentennial quilt at Antiques On Main in Cambria. It was so large I took pictures of 1/4 of the quilt at a time.
I believe this is a friendship project because the squares are signed with different names.
The blocks are about 10″ square.
And even with all these photos, I know I missed a few blocks. But some of my favorites are the Red Coat…
And of course more importantly The Minuteman…
Then there is the USS Constitution which I saw last month in Boston…
And speaking of Boston, the quilt had a Boston Tea Party Block
There is even a block depicting the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
So it was a wonderful quilt with a hefty price tag. I contented myself with taking pictures instead of taking it home. But something about this quilt really got to me. I was thinking about the quilters who worked on their blocks without benefit of a rotary cutter. These were either diehard quilters or brand newbies. So few quilts were being made before the Bicenntenial celebration. 1976 was a watershed year in US Quiltmaking. The 200th Anniversary of the nation sparked Quiltmaking all across the land.
That event along with the popularization of the aforementioned rotary tools lead to the great Quiltmaking revival we are still enjoying today.
So we applaud those long ago (nearly forty years ago!) quilters who made this red, white and blue masterpiece. I am glad it was priced high and will be purchased by someone who will treasure and care for it in the years to come!
More from Cambria soon!
In the meantime, look around this site for LOTS of other dynamite gift ideas and other free patterns.
The Quilters Alphabet Quilt Archive
New Student Supply List My Etsy site With Even More Patterns!
As always, we have a lot going on here at LynBrown.com! Thanks for looking in on us!
Oh! I nearly forgot the best block of all… Betsy Ross stitching the Stars and Stripes! Look how the stitcher signed her name…